
TPT Cyber Sale 2016

Did you know that TPT is having a Cyber Sale this Monday and Tuesday? You can save up to 28%!
It is the perfect time to fill your cart with things to use in your classroom during the months of December and January!

Here is what I have planned in my own classroom.

During the month of December, both of my French as a Second Language Classes are going to go on a trip around the world! They will sample tourtière in Quebec, Père Noel will leave them treats in their shoes while visiting France, and they will even get to learn about the REAL Madagascar! For more information on this fun trip, check out this blog post for some FREEBIES or check out the full product here.

Once we come back to school after Christmas Vacation, we will be starting to learn about Canadian History in Social Studies! This is one of my favourite units because we get to incorporate Interactive Notebooks, Research AND Project Based Learning! The entire unit cumulates by creating a Museum of Canadian History. The kids are always SUPER engaged and they blow me away with their exhibits. To check out this unit, click here. 

I am giving away a $10 TPT gift card to one lucky teacher! The contest will close on Tuesday and I will be emailing the lucky winner on Tuesday morning so that you can shop the sale!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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